Virtually all the various religions and spiritual teachings claim to have truth and many like to preach the basic concept that all roads lead to the same place. Fortunately, our Creator has already shown us through His creation that He is a God of Order and precision. Thus, He would not let His people be led down paths of confusion by offering multiple spiritual plans and programs. God's laws of the universe are of impeccable perfection, definition and order so naturally it makes total sense that His road map for His people would also be perfect and clearly defined!
Of all the various religions and spiritual road maps available to us, only one has made some incredibly profound claims that none of the others offer. Jesus of Nazareth claimed to be the Creator God in the flesh, (the Son of God); Jesus Christ claimed that the Scriptures, (Bible), is indeed the final authority and truly the divine and inspired actual Word of God; Jesus Christ claimed to have conquered death by rising from the dead on the third day, (resurrection); Jesus Christ claimed to offer this same resurrection power and everlasting life to all of His followers; Jesus Christ claimed that He held the truth and that He alone was the only way into heaven.
These are all extremely bold claims indeed! But how do we know Jesus actually existed and walked on the earth? How do we know Jesus is really who He said He was and that He actually conquered death and was resurrected on the third day? If we can prove these things. Then we would know for sure that Jesus is indeed the Son of God and the Bible is the actual Word of God just as Jesus indicated! We could then have true purpose in our lives and fill that void in our existence knowing that we too can conquer death and have everlasting life just as Jesus promised!
Aunt Mary & Uncle Joe
How do you know that any of your relatives exist? The answer is quite simple: it's because you probably met them in person. How do you know Albert Einstein or John F. Kennedy existed? Even though you may have never met them in person, you can still validate their existence because of historical records such as video footage. What about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln? We don't have any video footage of them, but we can still validate their existence due to written records in history books.
Now let's go way back - how do we know that Jesus actually existed? First of all, it is important to understand that the Bible is not just a spiritual road map, but it is also a totally accurate history book whose accounts have been tested and proven over the centuries! The historical accuracy of the Bible is far superior to any ancient data found on earth including the written records of various nations such as Egypt, Assyria and others.