These web
pages has presented a logical explanation
of factual evidence regarding the existence
and resurrection of Jesus. These facts
confirm and prove that Jesus Is God and the Bible
is indeed the actual and inspired Word of God
just as Jesus proclaimed. These pages may
have opened your mind, but more importantly, it
was created to be used as an instrument of God to
help open your spiritual eyes to the precious
everlasting gift Jesus is making available to you
right now!
Divine appointments don't happen by
chance or accident! There is a definite
God-inspired plan and reason why you are reading
these pages right now! You may have started
reading these web pages out of simple
curiosity, and the information contained
herein will indeed sound intelligent and
logical, however, it is not God's intent to
simply educate your mind with evidence and
facts! He wanted the truth and spirit of
His message to come alive and jump off the pages
of this site and stir the very core of your
spirit. And now, through faith in His
glorious Son Jesus, He offers you the ultimate
gift of forgiveness and everlasting life,
All other religions &
spiritual teachings merely offer words; But
Jesus offered much more than words, He
offered the real truth and confirmed it with
proof of His resurrection! The bones of
false teachers and leaders are buried in the
earth, but the bones of Jesus are not here!
He rose from the dead on the third day as proof
to you that His divine plan for resurrection
power and everlasting life is indeed for real and
available to you! There are absolutely no
other religions, philosophies or spiritual
teachings that will enable you to enter the
kingdom of heaven - only Jesus has the key
and only Jesus will let you in ( John
Jesus is the ultimate power and He
will change you life by allowing you to be 'born
again', "Therefore if any man be in Christ,
he is a new creature: old things are passed
away" (II Corinthians 5:17). No matter
what your situation is or how heavy you burdens
may be, you can drop them all at the feet of
Jesus, "Come to me, all of you who are weary
and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you
rest" (Matthew 11:28). No matter what
your problems may be; lack of purpose-
relationships- physical problems-emotional
problems (depression, loneliness, etc.) -
addictions - finances- stress-or any other
problem, Jesus will turn you life around and
restore fulfillment, peace and contentment into
your existence, "If the Son therefore shall
make you free, ye shall be free indeed"
(John 8:36). The Bible tells us that all
have sinned, and come short of the glory of God
(Romans 3:23) - yet, no matter how much turmoil
or sin may be in your life and no matter how
terrible you think you may be, Jesus will accept
you just as you are, "There is forgiveness
of sins for all who turn to Me" (Luke